Beer soup

Beer soup



  • sugar - 6 Tbsp
  • milk - 1 c
  • sour cream - 1/3 c
  • ground cinnamon - 1/2-i cinnamon
  • whole eggs - 2 item
  • grated nutmeg - 1/8 tsp
  • 2 cans beer - 3 c

How to make beer soup:

Put beer and sugar in saucepan; heat. Put milk and cinnamon in another saucepan; heat, but do not boil. Put eggs, sour cream and nutmeg in mixing bowl; beat with whisk. Add hot beer, beating rapidly with whisk. Remove cinnamon stick; beat in milk. Pour soup into heavy saucepan; heat thoroughly, stirring constantly. Do not boil; it may curdle. If soup curdles slightly, strain it. Serves 4 to 6.

Recipe categories: Soups & stews, Bisques/cream soups, Onions.

Beer soup
Average rating: 3.4 of 5, total votes: 5
Cook. Time: PT35M
Total Time: PT35M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
flour, onions, chopped, chicken, large onions, thinly sliced, broccoli, leeks, carrots, cut up, flour all-purpose, chopped beef, dried prunes
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