Overnight salad

Overnight salad



  • sugar - 1/2 c
  • Parmesan cheese - 1 item
  • mayonnaise - 2 c
  • small chopped onion - 1 item
  • jar real bacon bits - 1 item
  • head cauliflower, in pieces - 1 item
  • head lettuce, in pieces - 1 item

How to make overnight salad:

Layer in the order given and let stand in the refrigerator 7 to 8 hours or overnight. Stir well before serving.

Recipe categories: Desserts, Salads, Gelatin.

Overnight salad
Average rating: 4 of 5, total votes: 3
Cook. Time: PT4H20M
Total Time: PT4H20M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, eggs, vanilla, chopped nuts
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