Cranberry salad

Cranberry salad



  • sugar - 1 c
  • pkg - 1 oz
  • hot water - 1 c
  • pecans - 1/2 c
  • orange juice - 1/4 c
  • cherry jello - 1 pkg
  • grated orange rind - 1 Tbsp
  • celery - 2 c
  • small can crushed pineapple - 1 item
  • chopped apple - 1 item

How to make cranberry salad:

Chop cranberries in food processor. Mix with 1 cup sugar. Let stand in the refrigerator several hours or overnight. Dissolve jello with hot water and add to cranberries and sugar. Add orange juice, orange rind, undrained pineapple, celery, pecans and apple. Mix well and pour into mold. Chill.

Recipe categories: Fruit, Pineapple, Tropical fruits.

Cranberry salad
Average rating: 4.3 of 5, total votes: 7
Cook. Time: PT1H30M
Total Time: PT1H30M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, cinnamon, pkg, milk, chopped nuts, cornstarch, oil, cranberries
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