Peanut butter roll

Peanut butter roll

Peanut butter roll

Peanut butter roll photo 1
Peanut butter roll photo 2


  • sugar - 4 c
  • water - 1 c
  • egg whites - 3 item
  • 12 oz - 1 (2
  • white Karo syrup - 1 c

How to make peanut butter roll:

Combine in saucepan, sugar, syrup and water. Start cooking slow and increase heat as mixture starts to cook. Cook until hard boil on candy thermometer. When temperature gets almost to hard boil, beat in large mixing bowl the egg whites until stiff. Slowly drizzle the candy mixture into the egg whites with the mixer beating and the bowl rotating. As you beat, you can pour a little heavier stream, but be careful not to cook the egg whites. The mixture will get real smooth and shiny. Beat until it gets a slightly cloudy look and then either beat slowly with mixer or by hand until you get a dough-like texture on a large spoon. Spoon out dough into 4 to 5 rolls. Then with flour on your hands, pat down and knead like dough if necessary. Roll with well floured rolling pin and spread softened peanut butter on dough. Roll like jelly roll and set aside to get a little firmer before cutting on an angle.

Recipe categories: Desserts, Low protein, Candy.

Peanut butter roll
Average rating: 2.7 of 5, total votes: 7
Cook. Time: PT5M
Total Time: PT5M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, cinnamon, eggs, pkg
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