Non Food products
Mix Borax and lye together. When dissolved and cooled, add melted grease. Stir well, then add ammonia. Stir again until it thickens. Let stand until morning, then cut in squares.... Mix together. Add 3 tablespoons oil and 2 cups boiling water. Stir and knead. Cool.... Mix ingredients over high heat for 1 minute. Cook on low for about 3 minutes. Stir constantly. Let cool and knead until color is consistent.|| Really handy for Job's Daughters... Mix all ingredients in large pan. Add food coloring (different color for each batch). Cook three minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. Mixture forms a ball when done. Knead dough... Mix all ingredients together in a large pot. Cook and stir until play dough leaves the sides of the pot. Knead as soon as it is cool enough to handle.... Mix 1 1/2 cup water with glue. Add food coloring. Mix Borax with water in separate bowl. Add 1/3 cup Borax mixture to glue mixture; stir well. Repeat last step... If using food coloring, put droplets into measuring cup, then add water to make 1 cup. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and... *These make the magic.|| Cook in an electric skillet, stirring constantly, until very firm. Color with food coloring and knead as you would bread to mix the color. Store in... Mix all together; knead until soft. Divide into portions and knead food coloring into each. (Keeps indefinitely in refrigerator.)... Combine flour, salt and cold water. Beat the mixture with an egg beater until smooth. Add 2 cups hot water and boil until mixture becomes clear. Beat until smooth; then... Knead to form dough. Roll out 1/4-inch thick. Cut with cutters. Make a hole. Bake at 350° for 20 to 30 minutes or until crisp. Cool.... Mix first four ingredients. Add oil and water to dry ingredients. Knead until very well mixed. Let cool. May feel sticky at first. Just keep working it. Keep in airtight... You will need Bounty brand paper towels.|| Cut roll of paper towel through the middle. Take out cardboard and put in an empty baby wipe can. Start it out of... Mix the first 3 ingredients together in medium pan. Add the remaining ingredients. Cook over medium heat, stirring, for 3 to 5 minutes. Will turn into a ball.... Select him with care. Do not spoil him by mismanagement in cooking. Do not keep him constantly in hot water, or let him freeze by icy indifference. To make him... In large pot mix all ingredients over heat. Dough will get thick. Keep stirring to play dough consistency. Remove from heat and knead. Have fun! Do not eat!... Mix together water and glue. Divide this into three separate containers. Pour the first Borax/water solution in the glue/water mixture. Part of it will form into a clump. Lift the... Mix dry ingredients and add water and oil. Stir quickly over medium heat mixing well. When cool, mix with hands. Wrap in small balls in Ziploc baggies. Smells great and... Clean as much out with paper towels as possible. Using full strength ammonia, dab on jam. Jam should start coming off immediately. Clean as much off as possible. Soak area... Combine. Use sponge brush; coat back of stickers. Allow to dry. When dry, coat again. Can make your own post-its this way.... |