Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce



  • cloves garlic, minced - 2 item
  • olive oil - 1/4 c
  • medium onion, minced - 1 item
  • dried basil - 1 Tbsp
  • large bay leaf - 1 item
  • can chopped or sliced olives - 1 oz
  • bell pepper, chopped - 1 item
  • fresh tomatoes, chopped or 2 28 oz - 3 lb
  • thin lemon slices - 2 item

How to make tomato sauce:

Heat the oil in a large pan. Add the garlic and onion and saut until tender over low heat. Add the bell pepper and saut three more minutes. Crumble in the basil. Add tomatoes, bay leaf and olives. Bring to a boil, stirring several times. Reduce heat to a simmer and add lemon slice. Simmer for at least 20 minutes or as long as an hour. Be sure to stir occasionally.

Recipe categories: Sauces, Condiments, etc., Tomato.

Tomato sauce
Average rating: 3.2 of 5, total votes: 6
Cook. Time: PT0M
Total Time: PT0M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, butter, cocoa, hot water, mayonnaise, tomato puree, canola oil, chopped green tomatoes, tomatoes or puree, jar canned tomatoes
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