Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce photo 1
Tomato sauce photo 2
Tomato sauce photo 3


  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • vinegar - 2 c
  • allspice - 1 tsp
  • ground cloves - 1/2 tsp
  • medium onions - 2 item
  • tomatoes - 18 item
  • green peppers - 2 item
  • artificial sweetener or to taste - 3 Tbsp

How to make tomato sauce:

Peel, core and chop tomatoes. Chop peppers and onions fine. Combine all ingredients; boil slowly 4 hours or until thick. Fill boiling hot to within 1/2-inch of top of jar. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath.

Recipe categories: Sauces, Condiments, etc., Tomato.

Tomato sauce
Average rating: 3.4 of 5, total votes: 8
Cook. Time: PT0M
Total Time: PT0M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, cocoa, hot water, mayonnaise, olive oil, tomato puree, diced mushrooms, canola oil, chopped green tomatoes, tomatoes or puree
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