Sweet pickles

Sweet pickles



  • sugar - 2 c
  • salt - 1/3 c
  • water - 1 c
  • vinegar - 3 c
  • small cucumbers - 50 item
  • mixed spices - 1 item
  • bunch dill - 1 item

How to make sweet pickles:

Soak cucumbers in salt water overnight (1/3 cup salt). Drain and dry. Boil vinegar, water and sugar 10 minutes or until clear. Add cucumbers and let stand over low fire until they lose their grass green color. Place 1 teaspoon mixed spices and a few dill on bottom of jar. Fill with pickles and hot syrup and place a few dill on top. Seal.

Recipe categories: American, Condiments, etc., Vegetables.

Sweet pickles
Average rating: 3.2 of 5, total votes: 6
Cook. Time: PT15M
Total Time: PT15M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, vanilla, white sugar, pepper
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