Strawberry punch

Strawberry punch



  • bottle 7-Up - 1 oz
  • large can pineapple juice - 1 item
  • presweetened strawberry Kool-Aid, mixed according to directions on pkg - 2 pkg
  • can orange juice, mixed according to directions on can - 1 oz

How to make strawberry punch:

Mix Kool-Aid and orange juice separately, then pour all into punch bowl. Mix well.

Recipe categories: Strawberry, Drinks, Punch beverage.

Strawberry punch
Average rating: 4 of 5, total votes: 5
Cook. Time: PT20M
Total Time: PT20M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
pkg, flour, butter, strawberries, strawberry jell-o, bisquick mix, crushed pretzels, box yellow or white cake mix, refrigerator sugar cookie dough
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