Split pea soup

Split pea soup



  • dash of garlic powder - 1 item
  • dash of onion powder - 1 item
  • small ham with bone - 1 item
  • bags split peas - 3 item

How to make split pea soup:

Fill large pan with water just a couple inches from the top. Add ham to water. Cook at medium temperature for 4 hours. Take ham out of broth. Let cool and then cut up.

Meanwhile, add split peas to broth and cook on high until this comes to a boil, then turn heat down on low temperature and add your garlic and onion powder. Let this cook for 2 to 3 hours until split peas look like puree. Add ham (thinly sliced) and serve. I take half the broth out before I add the split peas and I save for bean soup.

Recipe categories: < 4 hours, Soups & stews, 3 steps or less.

Split pea soup
Average rating: 5 of 5, total votes: 5
Cook. Time: PT3H
Total Time: PT3H

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, eggs, vanilla, pkg, packed brown sugar, salt
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