Sour cream lemon pie
Sour cream lemon pie
- sugar - 2/3 c
- milk - 1 c
- butter - 1/4 c
- cornstarch - 3 Tbsp
- egg yolks - 3 item
- lemon juice - 1/4 c
- lemon peel - 1 tsp
How to make sour cream lemon pie:
Mix sugar and cornstarch; whisk in milk until smooth. Add yolks until blended; stir in lemon juice, peel and butter. Cook over medium heat in double boiler, until thick. Do not beat! Cool to room temperature. Add 1 cup sour cream and stir in well. Pour into baked pie shell. Refrigerate 6 hours or overnight.Recipe categories: Desserts, Pie, Pies and tarts.
Related ingredients:
sugar, brown sugar, butter, shortening, unbleached flour, peanut butter, white sugar, white or yellow cake mix
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