Seafood newburg

Seafood newburg



  • flour - 2 Tbsp
  • butter - 2 Tbsp
  • cream - 1 c
  • Worcestershire sauce - 2 tsp
  • catsup - 3 Tbsp
  • sherry - 2 Tbsp
  • Alaska shrimp - 1/2 lb
  • Alaska crab meat - 1/2 lb
  • salt, paprika and a few grains cayenne pepper - 1 item

How to make seafood newburg:

Melt butter; blend in flour, then slowly add cream and stir constantly until thickened. Stir in catsup and Worcestershire sauce. Add shrimp and crab and stir gently over low heat until through. Season with salt, paprika and cayenne pepper.

Just before serving, add sherry. Serve over rice or noodles.

Recipe categories: Appetizers, Scallops, Shellfish.

Seafood newburg
Average rating: 4 of 5, total votes: 5
Cook. Time: PT0M
Total Time: PT0M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, eggs, chopped pecans, pkg, salt, flour, sifted flour, lemon juice
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