Refrigerator rolls

Refrigerator rolls

Refrigerator rolls

Refrigerator rolls photo 1
Refrigerator rolls photo 2
Refrigerator rolls photo 3


  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt - 4 tsp
  • flour - 10 11
  • beaten eggs - 2 item
  • melted shortening - 2/3 c
  • yeast - 2 or
  • lukewarm water - 1 c
  • milk, scalded - 2 c

How to make refrigerator rolls:

Soften yeast and dissolve sugar in water; add milk cooled to lukewarm, shortening, sugar and salt. Add eggs, beaten well. Add flour to make soft dough, let stand 10 minutes. Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and cover; store in refrigerator. Shape rolls about 2 hours before serving. Let rise till double in bulk. Bake in hot oven 425° for 15-20 minutes. Punch down remaining dough return to refrigerator. This will keep for a week or use all same day.

Recipe categories: Breads, Rolls/biscuits, Yeast breads.

Refrigerator rolls
Average rating: 3.9 of 5, total votes: 7
Cook. Time: PT40M
Total Time: PT40M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, cinnamon, eggs, sifted flour
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