Pickled fish
Pickled fish
- sugar - 1 c
- medium onions, sliced - 2 item
- white vinegar - 1 c
- pickling salt - 5/8 c
- pickling spices - 2 Tbsp
- white Port wine - 1/2 c
- fish fillets carp works well - 1 qt
How to make pickled fish:
Trim any red or dark flesh off fish fillets and cut into small pieces. Place fish in quart jar with salt and first cup of vinegar. Let stand in refrigerator for 6 days shaking jar each day. After 6 days drain fish and rinse with cold water until water is clear. Cover fish with cold water and let stand for 1 hour. Mix 1 cup vinegar, sugar, wine and spices and heat until sugar dissolves. Do not boil. Let cool before adding to fish. Pack fish in jar with a layer of onion, then fish, etc. Add solution to jar. Keep in refrigerator for 48 hours then they are ready to eat. Keeps in refrigerator several months.Recipe categories: Appetizers, Fish, Seafood.
Related ingredients:
eggs, chopped pecans, pkg, sour cream, salt, water, mayonnaise, american cheese
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