Pepperoni loaf

Pepperoni loaf



  • egg white - 1 item
  • sesame seed - 1 item
  • sliced Provolone cheese - 1 pkg
  • frozen loaf bread, let thaw overnight - 1 item
  • large pepperoni stick - 1 item

How to make pepperoni loaf:

Take thawed bread and roll out onto cookie sheet. Set on door of oven preheated to 350° and let it rise for 15 to 20 minutes (until puffy). Lay the slices of Provolone over entire loaf and then layer the pepperoni slices. Roll bread in a jelly-like

Recipe categories: Eggs/dairy, Breads, Cheese.

Pepperoni loaf
Average rating: 3.6 of 5, total votes: 8
Cook. Time: PT1H15M
Total Time: PT1H15M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, cream cheese, eggs, pkg, milk, egg
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