Pecan cake

Pecan cake



  • chopped pecans - 1 qt
  • butter - 1 lb
  • egg yolks - 6 item
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • plain flour - 4 c
  • lemon extract - 2 oz
  • candied pineapple - 1 lb
  • egg whites, beaten - 6 item
  • box light brown sugar - 1 item
  • candied cherries 1/2 red, 1/2 green - 1 lb

How to make pecan cake:

Cream sugar and butter. Add egg yolks and mix well. Add 2 cups flour with baking powder. Mix in flavoring. Coat nuts and fruit with 2 cups flour. Add to cream mixture. Fold in beaten egg whites. Cover and leave overnight. Bake at 250° for 3 1/2 hours.

Recipe categories: Desserts, Cakes, Fruit.

Pecan cake
Average rating: 3.8 of 5, total votes: 8
Cook. Time: PT1H10M
Total Time: PT1H10M

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