Lobster thermidor

Lobster thermidor

Lobster thermidor

Lobster thermidor photo 1
Lobster thermidor photo 2


  • milk - 1 c
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • flour - 2 Tbsp
  • butter - 1/4 c
  • cream - 1/2 c
  • lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
  • Parmesan cheese - 1/2 c
  • soft bread crumbs - 1/2 c
  • cayenne - 1/2 tsp
  • sherry - 3 Tbsp
  • boiled lobsters or 3 c - 2 1/2
  • egg yolks, beaten - 3 item

How to make lobster thermidor:

Boil lobsters and remove meat. Scald milk. Melt butter in skillet and cook lobster meat 5 minutes. Add flour, then milk and stir until blended. Combine egg yolks with cream and bread crumbs. Add to lobster mixture and cook until thickened. Add lemon juice, sherry and seasonings. Fill lobster shells and place in baking pan. If no shells, use shallow casserole. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top and cook under broiler until bubbly and hot. Serves 4 to 6.

Recipe categories: Main dish, Shellfish, Lobster.

Lobster thermidor
Average rating: 4 of 5, total votes: 5
Cook. Time: PT0M
Total Time: PT0M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
milk, salt, stick butter, garlic powder, tabasco sauce
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