Layered salad
Layered salad
- sugar - 1 Tbsp
- pkg - 1 oz
- mayonnaise - 1 c
- head lettuce, shredded - 1 item
- water chestnuts, sliced - 1 item
- to 4 stalks celery, sliced thinly - 2 item
- green onions, sliced thinly - 1 item
- Romano cheese, grated - 1 item
How to make layered salad:
Layer in bowl in order listed (amounts of first 5 items may vary depending on bowl size). Spread mayonnaise over top and sprinkle with sugar and then cheese. Garnish with chopped hard-boiled eggs and crumbled bacon. Do not toss.Recipe categories: Salads, 3 steps or less, > 1 day.
Related ingredients:
sugar, milk, buttermilk, herb & garlic pasta salad
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