Hot water corn bread

Hot water corn bread

- vegetable oil - 1 item
- sea salt - 1/2 tsp
- yellow corn meal - 1 c
- kettle of boiling water - 1 item
How to make hot water corn bread:
You will also need a skillet (cast-iron or stainless steel).Pour vegetable oil in skillet approximately 1/4-inch deep. Place over medium-high heat until oil is hot, but not smoking. Place meal and salt in heat resistant mixing bowl. Add boiling water to mixture and stir. Make mixture a thick consistency for molding patties. Be sure all meal is moistened with the hot water*. Mold patties by hand with mixture as hot as possible. Place patties in skillet. Brown on both sides. Drain on paper towels. Yields approximately 7 to 8 patties 3-inches in diameter.
*Because this mixture is extremely hot, run cold water over hands as needed while molding patties. Shake off excess water.
Recipe categories: Low protein, Breads, Flat Shaped breads.
Related ingredients:
pkg, mayonnaise, 25 oz, plain yogurt, lean ground beef, large red bell peppers, tender sweet corn, medium zucchini, cut in 1/4-inch pieces, package of salad spinach, hard cooked eggs
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