Honey glazed carrots

Honey glazed carrots

- brown sugar - 3 tsp
- margarine - 1/2 Tbsp
- honey - 1 tsp
- finely chopped mint - 1 tsp
- small young carrots - 12 item
How to make honey glazed carrots:
Wash and trim carrots. Cook in 1 cup of boiling, salted water for 15 minutes or until tender. Drain.Melt margarine in a skillet. Add sugar, honey and carrots. Cook over low heat, turning carrots frequently, until well glazed. Sprinkle with mint and serve. Serves 4.
Recipe categories: Lunch/snacks, Appetizers, Side dish.
Related ingredients:
butter, oatmeal, green peppers, fish steaks, cooked spaghetti, box macaroni, sliced mushrooms about 1/4 lb, cooked vegetables, diced very fine potatoes, carrots, celery, 9-inch refrigerated pie crust, ham or pork bone
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