Cranberry salad

Cranberry salad



  • sugar - 2 c
  • pkg - 1 lb
  • hot water - 1 c
  • ginger ale - 1 c
  • apple, peeled - 1 item
  • oranges thin skinned - 2 item

How to make cranberry salad:

Grind together cranberries, oranges and apple; let stand a few hours. Dissolve jello in water. Pour cranberry mixture with jello. Add ginger ale. Put in refrigerator until set.

Recipe categories: Fruit, Pineapple, Tropical fruits.

Cranberry salad
Average rating: 3.1 of 5, total votes: 7
Cook. Time: PT1H30M
Total Time: PT1H30M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, carton sour cream, sifted flour, plain flour, english muffins, cranberry juice, ripe bananas, pound cake, shortcake, pound cake or ladyfingers
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