Chicken gumbo soup

Chicken gumbo soup

- salt and pepper to taste - 1 item
- sprigs parsley - 2 item
- bay leaves - 2 item
- hen - 2 fryers
- hot broth - 6 qt
- peeled chopped tomatoes - 12 item
- sliced okra - 3 c
- smoked, cooked, chopped ham - 1 lb
- onions, saut?Šed - 2 item
- celery, chopped optional - 1 2
How to make chicken gumbo soup:
Cook or roast chicken until tender, roasting or baking gives richer flavor. Remove meat from bones. Chop and add to remaining ingredients. Heat together, then ladle into jars. Process 60 minutes at 10 pounds pressure, or serve.Note: Some add 1 or 2 cups cooked, brown rice.
Recipe categories: Vegetables, Main dish, One Dish meal.
Related ingredients:
butter, garlic powder, can pork and beans, tomato juice, box orange jello, bunch spinach, medium carrots, medium mushrooms, bunches broccoli, can french-style green beans
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