Buckeye balls

Buckeye balls

Buckeye balls

Buckeye balls photo 1
Buckeye balls photo 2
Buckeye balls photo 3


  • vanilla - 1/2 tsp
  • pkg
  • butter or margarine - 1/2 lb
  • powdered sugar
  • jar smooth peanut butter
  • stick paraffin - 3/4 item

How to make buckeye balls:

Covering:1 (12 oz.) pkg. chocolate semi-sweet morsels1/2 tsp. vanilla3/4 stick paraffin Cream powdered sugar and margarine together, then add peanut butter. Mix well. May knead like dough. Shape into balls about 1-inch in diameter. Stick in toothpicks. Put on cookie sheet. Freeze.

Melt chocolate morsels and paraffin in double boiler. Swirl candy ball by toothpick in chocolate. Dry on cookie sheet and remove toothpicks.

Recipe categories: Desserts, Chocolate, Pies and tarts.

Buckeye balls
Average rating: 4 of 5, total votes: 3
Cook. Time: PT1H5M
Total Time: PT1H5M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
eggs, pkg, powdered sugar, peanut butter, can crushed pineapple with juice, white corn syrup, butter not oleo, boxes powdered sugar, crushed fresh strawberries, sticks butter, softened
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