Bread and butter pickles

Bread and butter pickles



  • sugar - 5 c
  • salt - 1/2 c
  • vinegar - 1 qt
  • celery seed - 1 tsp
  • medium onions - 8 item
  • mustard seed - 2 Tbsp
  • turmeric - 1 tsp
  • peck cucumbers - 1/2 item
  • cracked or shaved ice - 2 qt

How to make bread and butter pickles:

Slice cucumbers and onions into thin rounds. Mix them with salt and ice. Weight them down. Leave for 3 to 4 hours; drain. Add the rest of the ingredients and heat. Do not boil. Pack pickles and liquid into sterilized jars. Seal. Enjoy all year long.

Recipe categories: American, Condiments, etc., Vegetables.

Bread and butter pickles
Average rating: 2.7 of 5, total votes: 3
Cook. Time: PT1H25M
Total Time: PT1H25M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
butter, popped corn, sifted all-purpose flour, cornmeal, graham cracker crust, sliced cucumbers, strips bacon, diced, medium peaches, small head lettuce, broken into small pieces, fresh spinach, washed and torn apart
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