Basic granola

Basic granola

Basic granola

Basic granola photo 1
Basic granola photo 2
Basic granola photo 3


  • vanilla - 2 Tbsp
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • coconut - 1 c
  • hot water
  • honey - 3/4 c
  • whole-wheat flour - 2 c
  • raw oats - 9 c
  • rye flour - 1 c

How to make basic granola:

Combine oats, rye flour, whole-wheat flour and coconut in a large mixing bowl. Combine honey, salt, water and vanilla in a quart jar. Cover and shake. Then add to first mixture. Stir until evenly moistened. Divide evenly into two 9 x 13-inch pans. Bake at 350° until desired texture is achieved. Stir every 15 minutes. Keeps well in airtight container. To serve, add raisins, fresh fruit, nuts, etc.

Recipe categories: Lunch/snacks, Breakfast, Granola and porridge.

Basic granola
Average rating: 3.4 of 5, total votes: 5
Cook. Time: PT1H10M
Total Time: PT1H10M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, cream cheese, eggs, pkg, salt, flour, cold water, ketchup, ground beef, can mandarin oranges, drained
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