Apple fritters

Apple fritters

Apple fritters

Apple fritters photo 1
Apple fritters photo 2
Apple fritters photo 3


  • milk - 1/3 c
  • salt - 1/4 tsp
  • flour - 1 c
  • baking powder
  • egg - 1 item
  • powdered sugar - 3 Tbsp
  • medium-sized sour apples, pared and cut in slices - 2 item

How to make apple fritters:

Mix and sift dry ingredients. Combine milk and egg (well beaten) and add to dry ingredients (beating constantly). Dip apples in batter, spreading batter evenly over apples. Fry in deep hot fat, 275° for 2 to 3 minutes or until fritters are golden brown. Drain.

Recipe categories: Fruit, Apple, Low fat.

Apple fritters
Average rating: 2.4 of 5, total votes: 5
Cook. Time: PT30M
Total Time: PT30M

Cause of complaint:

Related ingredients:
sugar, eggs, pkg, flour, butter, sifted flour, plain sifted flour, 14 oz, frozen orange juice 1/2 of 6 oz
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